Wellways | Carer Gateway

Connecting Carers to local support services

Carer Gateway is a national support service funded by the Australian Government connecting carers
with free local supports.
A carer is anyone who looks after a family member or friend who has a disability, mental health
issues, chronic health condition, terminal illness, or is frail aged. Carers help with daily tasks such as
emotional support, personal care and administering medicine.
Carer Gateway services are free to access and offer carers of all ages the chance to connect with
others, a place to talk one-on-one with a counsellor, coaching to help set positive goals, access to
practical information and advice, and planned or emergency respite care.

Wellways is the chosen service provider of Carer Gateway services throughout Queensland and the
New South Wales regions of Southwest Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains.

Through Carer Gateway service providers such as Wellways can provide:
• Carer Support Planning
• Counselling
• In-Person Peer Support
• Facilitated Coaching

Carers can register for Carer Gateway services by calling 1800 422 737 or by visiting