We’ve build a foundation of an engaged supportive community at Kiddo, what better way to extend your reach than to advertise with us.

Advertising to Families, Parents & NDIS Participants

Are you seeking to connect with families, parents, and NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) families in a meaningful way? Look no further than Kiddo. We provide a unique platform where advertisers can reach their target audience effectively and authentically.

Why advertise with Kiddo?

  1. Targeted Reach: With Kiddo, you can tailor your advertising to reach specific demographics, including families, parents, and NDIS families. Say goodbye to generic ads and hello to targeted marketing that resonates with your audience.
  2. Engagement Opportunities: Our platform offers various engagement opportunities, from sponsored content to interactive campaigns, ensuring that your brand message captures attention and drives action among the diverse Kiddo community.
  3. In-App Advertising Banners: Take advantage of our in-app advertising banners to showcase your brand directly to our engaged audience. With prices starting from as little as $399a month, it’s an affordable way to get started with advertising on Kiddo.
  4. Flexible Options: Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, we offer flexible advertising options to suit your budget and objectives. From display ads to sponsored listings, we have the right solution for your needs.

Ready to elevate your advertising strategy? Partner with Kiddo today and unlock the potential to connect with families, parents, and NDIS families in a meaningful way. Let’s create engaging campaigns that resonate and drive results!

Contact us for a Media Kit & further information