Kiddo - Babysitting, Nanny, NDIS and ECEC job opportunities and more.

Here’s how Kiddo can help

It’s free to join, view and apply for part-time and full time roles with our Basic account.

To access Babysitting, Nanny & NDIS jobs, you will require a Kiddo Standard account.

Subscribe and get even more jobs, features and earn more with Kiddo Premium!

Basic Standard Premium
Access to jobs advertised with Childcare Centres, Kindy’s, OSH & more check_circle check_circle check_circle
Access to Babysitting, Nannying and NDIS jobs* check_circle check_circle
Kiddo Calendar – manage availability & feature for more jobs check_circle check_circle
Cancellation Policy – continue to earn even when parents cancel check_circle
Kiddo Premium Profile Badge – higher ranking in search results check_circle
Priority to job requests – helping you earn more check_circle
* Requires ID & Working with Children Check, verification fee applies
From $9.99 Monthly
advertise babysitting services

Join the Kiddo family

No need to advertise babysitting services when you join Kiddo. Joining as a Kiddo Carer is a straightforward process, and will provide you with babysitting jobs. We ask that you are at least 18 years of age and have your Identification and current Working with Children Check (Blue Card in QLD) details handy to start the process. And you never have to worry about how to get babysitting jobs!

We are free to download

Download the app and start registration, once your credentials are verified you can view full-time and part-time ECEC roles on offer. To view and apply for Babysitting, Nannying or NDIS support work you will require your ID and Working with Children Check to be verified – there is a small fee involved to do this. Kiddo will have you registered and ready to take on jobs.

You are in control

Kiddo allows you to set your charge rates, where you want to work and when you want to work! We are not an agency, we believe that all Kiddo Carers deserve to call their own shots when it comes to Babysitting.

How does Kiddo work for me?

Simply updating your availability on a regular basis (we recommend fortnightly) lets parents know when you are available for babysitting jobs. You can share your Kiddo profile with current Parents & families so that they too can book you through the app.

Providing exceptional service will promote your ratings, may result in a Parent noting you as a “Favourite” and even result in the parent passing your details on. The more babysitting jobs completed and reviews you receive, the more babysitting jobs Kiddo will promote you for – making you stand out in the list for other parents looking for new carers.

Kiddo promotes your services by connecting you to local parents – saving you the time and energy so you don’t have to do this yourself! Parents can see when you are available and book you instantly! Never miss out on another babysitting job again, simply see the babysitting jobs come to you!


Free to download

No ongoing subscription fees

You are in control

Set your hourly rates, when and where you want to work

Saves you time

Manage bookings using our in-app features

Build your brand

Our review and rating system helps you expand your babysitting network

Kiddo promotes your services

So you can focus on doing what you do best

FAQS – Carers

  • How do I get paid?

    Kiddo provides parents with an in-app payment system, so no cash is required.

    Once your job is complete you should expect to receive your payment within 24-48 hours (the next business day) to your nominated bank account.

  • How long does it take for my Working with Children Check to be verified?

    You may have just uploaded your Working with Children Check and wondering why your account is not yet live. Please note this can take 24-48 hours to be processed. we will send you an email from Kiddo once your account is activated and live!

  • What is Kiddo Premium?

    Kiddo Premium allows you to boost your profile, it provides extra benefits such as:

    • Setting your own cancellation policy;
    • Boosting your profile in search results;
    • Providing you access to ALL Urgent job requests on the job board.

    You can still input your times/days available to be booked on Kiddo Basic (our free option), but Kiddo Premium really boosts your chances of earning more.

    This cost may be considered a tax deduction, so check this with your Accountant too.


  • How do I obtain a Working with Children Check/ Blue Card?

    This is done via your respective State Government department. We recommend contacting them to understand requirements.

  • What rates should I charge?

    As Kiddo is a platform that simply connects you to Parents, we cannot provide advice on this.

    We suggest that you ask people in your local area or do some research online to assist you in setting your charge rates.

  • Why do I have to update my availability?

    Kiddo is a platform that connects Parents to Carers Instantly based on your ‘availability’.

    Saving the hassle of having to communicate and stress about babysitting jobs. By updating your availability on the calendar in Kiddo app, Parents can book you when you are available. Meaning you won’t miss out on any booking opportunities, if you are at work and away from your phone etc.

    If you find it tricky to update your availability – you will be shown booking requests (including urgent requests and those  cannot be filled) on the Kiddo job board. So you can also keep an eye on this too. The job board doesn’t show every job, so it is critical to input your available times on the Kiddo app.

  • What happens if a job runs overtime or parent asks to adjust the start time?

    Your parent will contact you to request if it’s ok to change the start time of their booking and make it clear whether the end time will adjust or if they want you to remain until the agreed end time. Please ensure this is all done via our in-app messaging so we have it on file.

    This must be agreed to by yourself and in writing.

    If you agree to amend a start time, we suggest just updating the booking in your phone calendar – so your reminders are in place to get you there on time. For example, you may agree to amend a 3 hour booking from 6-9pm to 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Change this in your calendar once all parties have agreed.

    If the parent wants you for additional time, say from 5:30 to 9pm (the original end time) they can top up your booking payment using the ‘Job run overtime’ button. This will allow an additional payment in 30 minute increments to be made to you.

    The parent may request you stay longer sometime during the booking, you will need to agree to this and then just make sure at the end of the booking the parent tops up your payment.

    Just make sure everyone agrees and it is clear what is happening.

  • What happens if I decline a booking?

    Kiddo is built on the foundation as being a reliable service. If you have your availability input into the calendar, we show you to parents and it is expected you are ‘available’ for this time.

    We take declining bookings quite seriously and this can impact your Kiddo profile.

    If your personal circumstances change, simply update your in-app calendar as soon as you can to avoid having to decline jobs.

    We recommend syncing this to your personal calendar so you can always see what you have on the go and stay on top of things.

    In the event you need to cancel a booking, just remember communication is key – parents are a lot more understanding with communication as much notice given as possible. You can always remind the parent they can rebook in Kiddo too.

  • Do I have to upload an Intro Video?

    This is purely optional – we know that sometimes it may feel awkward or uncomfortable to record yourself on video. But hey, it is such a great way to make yourself stand out and shine!

    It can be as simple as turning your phone to selfie mode and talking a little about yourself – see our blog post called ‘Tips on your introduction video” for further tips.

  • How do I update my details?

    Details such as your address, phone number and email can be updated in your Profile and should always be current. This ensures we match you to parents in the correct area.

    If you change your name, we will need to verify this against an official Government Name Change Certificate or Marriage Certificate. Should this be the case, you would need to have your Working with Children Card reflect your new name so that we can verify this also.

    Don’t worry your personal details are kept private – only your phone number is accessible by a parent for a confirmed booking.

  • What happens if my Working with Children Card expires?

    Kiddo will send you plenty of reminders when your Working with children check is due to expire.
    However, if it does lapse, your account will be simply ‘paused’ until you have provided us with your new Working with Children check details. Your reviews and ratings will still be attached to your profile.

    Your working with children check will be completed by CITED our reliable third party. When this has been verified, your account will become active again.

    We do this as parents have guarantee that all Kiddo carers hold valid Working with children checks.

  • Will I need to pay taxes on my earnings?

    As Kiddo is not a tax accountant, we do not have the knowledge nor the services to provide advice about paying taxes. As with all income generation, tax obligations may arise depending on your specific tax situation. You will need to follow State and Federal laws relating to reporting income. Kiddo is not an employer of any Carer and therefore will not make any tax declarations, deductions or payments on your behalf.

  • Will I need an ABN?

    This depends on whether you class the bookings you take through Kiddo as a hobby or whether you are running a business. For more information regarding how to determine whether you are just doing a hobby or running a business, please follow this link to the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science page which provides lots of useful information.

    If you are running a business, which you can do solely yourself as a sole trader,  you may be required to have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and you’ll be responsible for your own taxes and super. Not everyone is entitled to an ABN, so you’ll need to check your eligible when applying for an ABN .

    If you decide to start a small business and your turnover is over $75,000 per year, then you will also need to register for GST. We always recommend speaking to your Accountant or calling the ATO if you need any further clarification.

    If you are looking to provide NDIS care you will require an ABN.

    As NDIS bookings require Tax invoices for every booking, you must hold an ABN to be eligible to provide NDIS care.

  • Who do I contact regarding my verification?

    Kiddo uses CITED to perform it’s Working with Children Check verification. This process involves checking your card to make sure it is valid.

    If you have any queries regarding this we suggest you contact CITED on 08 6466 3194 or

Got other questions? We’d love to help you out.
Get in touch using the button below.

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