How NDIS funding can support your child

How NDIS funding can support your child.

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The ups and downs of daily life and unexpected challenges are all part of being a parent. However, if you have a child with Special Needs, then you may require some extra support to help them achieve their goals and live as independently as possible.

The NDIS provides funding to eligible people based on their individual needs.

Funding may be available to you in one or all three categories below. These include:

Core Supports, Capital Supports or Capacity Building Supports.

However, today, we'll focus on Core Supports:

Core Supports help with everyday activities. They are the main support category and funding is flexible. Core supports have four categories: Assistance with Daily Life, Consumables, Assistance with Social and Community Participation, and Transport.

babysitter with ndis child support

So, what's the best way you can use Core Supports?

Make it work for you and choose the service that best suits your child. Providers can be registered or unregistered, So don’t be afraid to think outside the box. For instance, is there an assistive service, like an app that could help?


Kiddo can help with Assistance with Daily Activities for instance. Their carers are independent contractors and set their own rates, meaning more hours of care fro you.  Read more about how Kiddo can save you time and stress  HERE.


Most importantly, be sure to plan your budget.

The NDIS can work with you to put your budget plan into action, and depending on your situation there is a range of people who can help you implement your plan to start receiving support.

Applying for the NDIS

Parents applying for how NDIS can support them

To determine if your child is eligible for the NDIS, you can check the eligibility access requirements on the NDIS website.

Next, you can apply for the NDIS by:

  • Calling 1800 800 110 and asking to make an access request
  • Completing and submitting by email an Access Request Form to
  • Contacting your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or NDIA office to make an Access Request