How to Prepare for Back to School: Tips for Parents

As the holidays come to an end, the excitement and anticipation of returning to school start to build. For parents with young children, those at day care, kindergarten or primary school, preparing for back to school involves more than just organising supplies. It's about re-establishing routines, ensuring emotional readiness, and maintaining a positive attitude toward learning.

Here are six essential tips to help you and your child get ready for a successful return to school, brought to you by Kiddo App.


child brushing teeth

1. Re-establish a Routine

Transitioning from the relaxed winter break to the structured school schedule can be challenging. Start by gradually reintroducing a school-year routine a week or two before returning to school.

  • Set a bedtime: Ensure your child gets enough sleep by setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
  • Morning practices: Practice morning routines, such as getting dressed and eating breakfast, to streamline school mornings.

2. Back to school - Refresh the Learning Environment at Home

A supportive home environment is crucial for your child's academic success.

  • Tidy up the study area: Refresh the designated study space, ensuring it's quiet, well-lit, and free of distractions.
  • Restock supplies: Check and replenish any school supplies to reduce stress on the first day back.

3. Communicate with Your Child - Overcome back to school anxiety

Talking to your child about returning to school can alleviate any anxieties they may have.

  • Discuss expectations: Talk about what they can expect when they go back to school and share any changes that might occur.
  • Encourage questions: Let them express their feelings and ask questions about school.

kiddo child tying laces

4. Reinforce Independence

Encouraging your child to be independent can boost their confidence and readiness for the day ahead.

  • Practice self-help skills: Refresh skills like dressing themselves, tying their shoes, and managing personal belongings.
  • Encourage problem-solving: Give your child opportunities to solve simple problems on their own.

5. Focus on Healthy Habits

Good health is the foundation for a successful start, attention and overall well-being.

  • Balanced diet: Ensure your child eats a nutritious diet to support their physical and mental development.
  • Exercise: Encourage regular physical activity to keep your child healthy and energetic.

packing school bag

6. Plan Ahead for the First Day Back

Being prepared for the first day can set a positive tone for the rest of the term, and beyond.

  • Pack the night before: Prepare your child's backpack with all the necessary supplies and a healthy lunch.
  • Choose an outfit: Let your child pick out their outfit the night before to save time in the morning.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a smooth transition for your young child. Remember, preparation and positivity are key to a successful return to school.

Another article that may be of assistance " How to make your morning routines easier". For more parenting tips and resources, visit Kiddo's blog here.