Managing Childcare and Guilt During School Holidays

Tips for organising care during the School Holidays

School holidays can be a wonderful time for children. But for many parents, it can be a time of stress and anxiety. Managing care for children, dealing with guilt, and finding time for work and other obligations can be overwhelming. Let’s face it, with only four weeks leave a year, so many parents struggle with school holidays. Yet it should be a time we enjoy with our children (where we can).

Managing care for children during school holidays can be one of the most challenging aspects for parents.

Finding someone who can take care of your children can be a time-consuming and stressful task. But with some planning and organisation, it can become more manageable. Here are three tips to get organised early these school holidays:

Revert to the Calendar or excel

Create a schedule for the school holidays by reverting to your household calendar or using Excel. Map out the days when you or your partner will be available to take care of the children, and the days when you will need to find a caregiver. Having a clear visual representation of the schedule can help you plan and prepare accordingly.


kiddo make a plan for school holidays childcare

Communicate with your network

If you have a partner or family members who can help, communicate with them in advance. Ask them which days they are available to assist and factor these days into your schedule. Having a support system can help alleviate some of the stress associated with managing care for children during the school holidays.

Get in early these school holidays

Finding a caregiver or activities during the school holidays can be a challenge, as many parents are in need of the same service. To ensure you secure a caregiver or activities for the days you need, start looking as early as possible. When it comes to care, apps like Kiddo can connect you with trusted babysitters, nannies and NDIS Support workers quickly and easily, so you can find a reliable caregiver to look after your children during the school holidays.

Handling Parental Guilt

"Guilt is a common feeling and it's okay to ask for help"

Along with managing care, guilt is a common feeling among parents, in fact a recent survey quoted 74% of working parents are stressed about managing parenthood and childcare. This is only amplified during the school holidays. Parents may feel guilty for not being able to spend enough time with their children or for needing to work during the holidays. It's essential to remember that many parents face the same challenges, and it's okay to ask for help.

Prioritising quality time with your children where you can. Finding trusted caregivers can provide peace of mind and alleviate some of the guilt associated with needing to work. Don’t feel too guilty if you have to work these school holidays. Just remember, if the kiddos are with family, at a fun activity or with an energetic carer that is dedicated to them, it’s likely they are having a good time.

"As a parent it's about balance for us all"

Just ensure as a parent, you make some time where you can to enjoy the holidays too. Make some time in the mornings to get morning tea together, go for a walk in the afternoons or have a leave day to have a fun day out – it’s about balance for us all! As parents we need to feel fulfilled after the holidays too.

In conclusion, organising care for children during school holidays can be a daunting task for parents. But with some planning and organisation, it can be made more manageable. By creating a schedule, communicating and starting early. Parents can find the right caregiver to help them balance work and family life during the school holidays.

"It's okay to outsource where needed"

The Kiddo app can provide a convenient option for parents to find trusted babysitters, nannies and NDIS Support Workers dedicated to children. Kiddo has verified carers in all capital cities and major holiday destinations throughout Australia.

Download Kiddo and find babysitters, nannies and NDIS Support Workers - to use at home or when travelling these school holidays.


school holiday caregives with kiddo

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